Saving Resources and Traveling in comfort
In the last few days we have seen a change in purchasing intent that is worth noting. More of our customers are responding to the lack of masks and gowns at their local hospitals by deciding to travel to hospital appointments wearing our garments so they do not need to use up hospital resources that will be needed elsewhere. Even when supplies are not limited this method allows you to avoid one more item on your skin that has been sitting around a hospital. Outside of pandemics we feel that there is power in taking agency over how your time in a hospital or recuperation is spent. Wearing a garment that you want to spend time in makes a big difference. Having something that is also naturally anti-microbial also make sense. It all just makes a little more sense in today's reality.
The FDA just started implementing "Contingency Capacity Strategies" based off their most recent suggestions; https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/ppe-strategy/isolation-gowns.html In some case suggesting that patients could wear "coveralls" if gowns are not available. We have no idea what coveralls are in a hospital setting but we are pretty sure they are not making patients more comfortable and confident. The ability to take agency over your time while ill is looking better by the day.