Pandemic Response
What a terrifying time to be human much less one launching a new company. My little hamlet, New Paltz, NY is just starting to feel the full effects our friends in China, Italy and the rest of the world have been grappling with for weeks and months. Schools are closed and the panic is real. Talking about business in any matter feels opportunistic and unprincipled. But here is the thing; in order for our businesses to keep their employees (your and my friends) working we need to support the businesses that are nimble enough to find solutions that don't endanger the public. At our house we are ordering take-out and patronizing the places that have found solutions to keep us far enough apart to keep us safe but close enough in spirit to keep our community together. We have also stepped up ordering from local businesses as long as our delivery services can keep up.
It is also a challenging time to be marketing something that is specifically designed to ease a little bit of the pain that comes with illness. The idea of benefiting from a tragedy that will likely be a pivotal point in humankind is distasteful. And yet, I have spent the last year building a business that, much like all small businesses in my community, needs income to sustain itself. So here is what we have decided to do at Janesi Comfort; We want as many people in need throughout our community, and yours, to wear our robes in their path to recovery. So we are offering a discretionary coupon code: Communal-response-20 that reduces the price of a robe to the cost of replacing them with fresh inventory through April. No profit. We are asking everyone considering a purchase to assess their situation and use the coupon if it is the right way to support your loved ones in need. If you can afford a full price robe please choose that option but don't feel obligated either way.
We are battling this together and as a community can persevere.
Please Note; this discount is not going to feel huge to people used to purchasing from normal clothing companies who operate with the industry standard 5x mark up. Inspired by our friends at Everlane we plan to show exactly where and why we are charging what we do. By going direct to consumer we plan to operate around a 3x markup to cover overhead, research and development as well as giving back a portion of our profits to community. We are a couple of major steps from those margins though. We are currently vetting ethical factories worldwide in an effort to produce our robes at a cost that should make them an attainable luxury for the majority of Americans while treating our workers with dignity and respect. We are confident this move is in our near future and we are pricing our made-in-the-USA items at price we anticipate being at in the near future making much less profit for our first rounds of sales.
From inception our definition of success is: The ability for people across USA to comfort their people with items made of the best possible materials, that did not harm any part of the supply chain, all at the cost of sending flowers. Our garments currently are made on 37th St. in Manhattan so we can be hands on and fully in control of quality and we source our authentic Tencel from an importer in Canada rather than use generic lyocel with untraceable origins.
Today, as Covid-19 spreads through our lives the 20% coupon is our break even cost. We can’t sustain this price point and stay in business in the future, however the suffering Covid-19 is causing in our lives is not sustainable either. Let's fight this together.